How dumb can you be? No. Don't feel offended. We are not asking you personally. Relax now. You can keep that secret to yourself. We just wanted to cite an incident that happened. We have a regular call with our client manager. You know what one of our team mates discussed for whole 15 minutes? His Piles problem and how he cannot do his morning work properly. While we do understand that it is a very unfortunate situation, what we cannot understand is how someone can discuss about it. Let alone with client managers. He went on and on about how it has been occurring from past year. We sat fidgeting in our very seat (pun, if anyone notices, is intended). Its something for which you are not responsible but you are embarrassed nonetheless. It was like watching Fardeen Khan act.
Now that we have given today's blog a humane start, We should warn you. This is a dirty blog. we mean dirty dirty. Not that dirty which makes guys sit up and notice. Let us talk about how we embarrass ourselves. When we say we, we mean general public. That's right. "We" includes you lot too. There are so many situations where people don't realize they are embarrassing others. We have lot of examples.It almost makes us feel as if we are a country of self centered people. Since we are writing about the stories, we make sure that none of our stories are included here. Well, it can also be because we are not a dimwit and we watch ourselves.. Ahem. Aren't we a role model.
The main thing we have noted here is loud talking on cell phones. Some people simply cannot realize that they have cell phone in hand. It will be their mother tongue and since they feel that no one can understand what they are talking, they feel free to use lot of expletives. What's that? Isn't that a "cool" thing you ask? No. For us its not. We are not against talking in mother tongue. We very much prefer it ourselves. (Now we want make a bad tongue joke here but we are bound by the contract we have.). We use expletives when people are around and understand it. Its like bling. What is the point of using it if no one knows you are using it? You clearly shouldn't be ashamed of letting people know that you are using it. General public may not like it. But then if you are someone who uses such words, why fear the general public?
Another thing we noticed is how the some people clean their lunch boxes in the sink and dump the leftovers in the sink. That makes sure that water doesn't drain and everything gets clogged. You want to imagine how bad it can get? Think about variety of foods eaten by Indians. There is a trash bin man. How tough is it to dump stuff there? Before you know it, all the foren peepuls are looking at you as if you are the culprit. We may be of the same colour as the person who did it my dear lady, but we are not the same character. We did try telling someone about it and we got a sly grin. Now we have a notice there (put by foren peepul no doubt) saying don't wash your dirty dubbas here. Some foren peepul make sure they discuss such stuff when Indians are around. Just to rub salt to the wound.
We want to talk about our accent issues as well. Oh boy. Aren't we a diverse nation. Mallus, Tamils, Telugites, Kannadigas, Punjabis, Bengalis, Oriya, Bihari, North-east, Gujjus. Every one has their own accent. When we join any meeting nearly half the time goes just to decipher the accents we feel. Plus people treat grammar like that kid who stole your toys. We want to give you two examples. Imagine a Oriya/Bengali accent. " itj a bhird dokyumaint. Bhee need microsopt bhird". Most Indians have trouble understanding when they hear the sentence. Imagine how gora's felt. He had to repeat thrice and then type it over chat session. Thank god that our accents don't carry over to the chat sessions. or how about this for a conversation between two of our guys in a call including clients. "We are did the testing. We naat getting what result we wanted." "you caantacted yuvar subject myatter expert aa?" "Hmmm. we did told Smith John but he busy. so weeyar waiting". Take that grammar. Everyone knows that you are a bitch.
There are lot of things which people need to sort out. From Using text lingo in emails and chats to using aa to form a question. From using regional language fillers to trying to explain songs in movies, From scratching your privates when in public to opening the fly when one enters the restroom without even checking the urinals. There are lot of things which we are embarrassed about. When you are in India, people tend to ignore such things only because most people tend to follow it. Not because its accepted as social norm. And when people enter another country, shouldn't they realize that everyone is representing the country here? (We wanted to include From Akshay Kumar to Sharad pawar, but apparently some people actually like Akshay Kumar. So there goes one example.)
We have just noted couple of things we observed here. We are not against our country or our country people. We believe that our country has a great culture. We feel good when someone explains about the how great it is or about how diverse it is. We really do. But there is always some minor thing that ruins the fun. Imagine how proud you are when you tell how beautiful is the morning there or how you played cricket during last weekend and how your team won. And someone bursts the bubble by telling how you were stuck in traffic jam excluding the fact that major traffic jams are due to gazillions software engineers coming to work every morning Or a very 'talented' software engineer tells about how he couldn't do his morning stuff due to piles. Yes. That's what we want to avoid.
Now that we have given today's blog a humane start, We should warn you. This is a dirty blog. we mean dirty dirty. Not that dirty which makes guys sit up and notice. Let us talk about how we embarrass ourselves. When we say we, we mean general public. That's right. "We" includes you lot too. There are so many situations where people don't realize they are embarrassing others. We have lot of examples.It almost makes us feel as if we are a country of self centered people. Since we are writing about the stories, we make sure that none of our stories are included here. Well, it can also be because we are not a dimwit and we watch ourselves.. Ahem. Aren't we a role model.
The main thing we have noted here is loud talking on cell phones. Some people simply cannot realize that they have cell phone in hand. It will be their mother tongue and since they feel that no one can understand what they are talking, they feel free to use lot of expletives. What's that? Isn't that a "cool" thing you ask? No. For us its not. We are not against talking in mother tongue. We very much prefer it ourselves. (Now we want make a bad tongue joke here but we are bound by the contract we have.). We use expletives when people are around and understand it. Its like bling. What is the point of using it if no one knows you are using it? You clearly shouldn't be ashamed of letting people know that you are using it. General public may not like it. But then if you are someone who uses such words, why fear the general public?
Another thing we noticed is how the some people clean their lunch boxes in the sink and dump the leftovers in the sink. That makes sure that water doesn't drain and everything gets clogged. You want to imagine how bad it can get? Think about variety of foods eaten by Indians. There is a trash bin man. How tough is it to dump stuff there? Before you know it, all the foren peepuls are looking at you as if you are the culprit. We may be of the same colour as the person who did it my dear lady, but we are not the same character. We did try telling someone about it and we got a sly grin. Now we have a notice there (put by foren peepul no doubt) saying don't wash your dirty dubbas here. Some foren peepul make sure they discuss such stuff when Indians are around. Just to rub salt to the wound.
We want to talk about our accent issues as well. Oh boy. Aren't we a diverse nation. Mallus, Tamils, Telugites, Kannadigas, Punjabis, Bengalis, Oriya, Bihari, North-east, Gujjus. Every one has their own accent. When we join any meeting nearly half the time goes just to decipher the accents we feel. Plus people treat grammar like that kid who stole your toys. We want to give you two examples. Imagine a Oriya/Bengali accent. " itj a bhird dokyumaint. Bhee need microsopt bhird". Most Indians have trouble understanding when they hear the sentence. Imagine how gora's felt. He had to repeat thrice and then type it over chat session. Thank god that our accents don't carry over to the chat sessions. or how about this for a conversation between two of our guys in a call including clients. "We are did the testing. We naat getting what result we wanted." "you caantacted yuvar subject myatter expert aa?" "Hmmm. we did told Smith John but he busy. so weeyar waiting". Take that grammar. Everyone knows that you are a bitch.
There are lot of things which people need to sort out. From Using text lingo in emails and chats to using aa to form a question. From using regional language fillers to trying to explain songs in movies, From scratching your privates when in public to opening the fly when one enters the restroom without even checking the urinals. There are lot of things which we are embarrassed about. When you are in India, people tend to ignore such things only because most people tend to follow it. Not because its accepted as social norm. And when people enter another country, shouldn't they realize that everyone is representing the country here? (We wanted to include From Akshay Kumar to Sharad pawar, but apparently some people actually like Akshay Kumar. So there goes one example.)
We have just noted couple of things we observed here. We are not against our country or our country people. We believe that our country has a great culture. We feel good when someone explains about the how great it is or about how diverse it is. We really do. But there is always some minor thing that ruins the fun. Imagine how proud you are when you tell how beautiful is the morning there or how you played cricket during last weekend and how your team won. And someone bursts the bubble by telling how you were stuck in traffic jam excluding the fact that major traffic jams are due to gazillions software engineers coming to work every morning Or a very 'talented' software engineer tells about how he couldn't do his morning stuff due to piles. Yes. That's what we want to avoid.
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